Nerd Fight: Gordon Hayward Stood Up for Gamers by Mocking Colin Cowherd

Utah Jazz v Oklahoma City Thunder

Colin Cowherd has said multiple times that eSports are for nerds and “booger eaters.” It’s a strong take and a great example of why he’s the best in the business. Who else out there on the airwaves has the courage to alienate this country’s powerful booger-eating faction?

Gordon Hayward is a noted gamer and didn’t appreciate the categorization. So the Utah Jazz swingman did what a nerd most certainly wouldn’t do: search for an embarrassing old picture of Cowherd and post it on the internet.

Great, great burn.

Did you know clothing and hairstyles that were once fashionable are no longer en vogue? Crazy but true.

This feud promises to get out of hand. Hayward and Cowherd both seem like guys who won’t back down until it’s over. Honestly a little scared about what could come next here.

from The Big Lead

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