Lamar Jackson Is Tantalizing

Lamar Jackson has glaring weaknesses. He completed only 58 percent of his passes last season. His passing efficiency was near the cellar of all NFL quarterbacks. He threw for all of six touchdowns in seven starts before putting up a shaky performance in a postseason loss to the Los Angeles Chargers.

In short, Jackson is not yet someone to be trusted to turn in an above-average performance on any week. And that’s not being mean. That’s just the reality of the situation. No one is expecting him to come out and take the league by storm in his sophomore campaign.

But his ceiling, man. His insane ceiling.

Everyone once in awhile Jackson will look like he did at Louisville, just making Swiss cheese out of opposing defenses. He looked like that last night against the Green Bay Packers. Actually, as accurately pointed out here, he looked like a video game polygon.

Couch potatoes at home weren’t the only ones captivated. Aaron Rodgers took notice and gave his counterpart props following the game, plus some advice that perhaps sliding would be in his best long-term interest.

The Baltimore Ravens smartly stopped hanging onto hope that Joe Flacco would ever return to a elite status. The Jackson project promises to hit some speed bumps and times of uncertainty. In those times, though, everyone should remember the high highs he’s capable of realizing.


from The Big Lead

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