Chicago Police Officer Under Investigation After Giving Hulk Hogan Ride on O'Hare Tarmac

Hulk Hogan is a larger-than-life figure at this point in his life. A Chicago police officer clearly agrees. Hogan posted a video on his Facebook page last week documenting the officer giving himself and longtime wrestling manager Jimmy Hart a ride on the O’Hare Airport Tarmac.

The Chicago Tribune reports the officer is now under investigation for his actions. While police officers have permission to drive on the tarmac of an airport, using that power to give a wrestling legend an easy ride probably wasn’t what the higher powers intended when granting the police this power.

There’s more to the story than one officer acting alone, it would seem; in the video, the officer says his sergeant was “All for it.” Other highlights from the video include Hogan yelling “My Uber has a siren!”

This is a developing story, and we will update as more information becomes available.

from The Big Lead

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