Tom Izzo Eats Popcorn Off Floor Because He's a Blue-Collar Coach

While Duke may be the college basketball program most known for slapping the floor on defense, Tom Izzo’s Michigan State Spartans have developed the habit as well. It’s a sign of a blue-collar team willing to dig deep, work hard, and get dirty.

And Tom Izzo, the Hall of Fame-caliber guy that he is, would never ask his players to do something he wouldn’t do himself. So when a piece of popcorn fell to the floor instead of into his mouth, you can bet Izzo was willing to hustle for it and eat it anyway.

It is inspiring to see him locked in and dedicated in advance of the upcoming season. With Miles Bridges, Cassius Winston, Joshua Langford and Nick Ward back — and a stellar recruiting class coming in — Izzo has a real chance to win his first national title since 2000.

That he’s humble and hungry is excellent news for those in East Lansing.

from The Big Lead

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