LeBron James Rips Critics In Instagram Post

LeBron James is riding high right now, enjoying all the adulation rightfully headed his way after leading the Cleveland Cavaliers an NBA title. With the playoffs over, James reactivated his social media accounts on Monday and took to Instagram with a message for his critics.

Let’s just say it was “pointed.”

Instagram Photo

Here’s the text of the post:

They said u lost a step, wasn’t explosive as once was, the best days was in the real view, questioned your drive, your leadership, your commitment, you don’t have killer instinct, going back home is the worst mistake in your career, he got the coach fired, players traded, won’t work between him and Kyrie, Him and Kev won’t work, love your teammates to much, there’s no way he can deliver a championship in his hometown, etc etc etc…. But guess what THATS NONE OF MY BUSINESS #StriveForGreatness #ThisOneIsForTheLand #PutSomeRespeckOnMyName Hahahaha!!! Yes sir

Small spelling and grammar issues aside, this is a great blast from James. Anyone who ever doubted his ability has to be eating their words today after he turned in what was arguably the greatest performance in NBA Finals history during the series. The fact that he led his team past the Golden State Warriors, who had just posted the best regular season record in NBA history, had to make it even sweeter.

Doubters be dammed, we all know who the king is today. Enjoy it LeBron.

from The Big Lead http://ift.tt/28NuNez

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