Bill Simmons Heard Draymond Green Called LeBron James a Word that "began with an F and ended with boy"

Bill Simmons had Bulls guard Jimmy Butler on his latest podcast. When the topic turned to trash talk, Butler brought up some of the colorful language he uses, admitting to throwing around the “b-word.” Simmons then relayed that he had heard Draymond Green had not called LeBron James “the b-word” as Chris Broussard reported. Instead, Simmons heard that Green called LeBron a word that “began with an F and ended with boy.” (You can listen around the 26-minute of the podcast.)

So there you have it. Draymond Green either called LeBron James a “Fall Out Boy,” or, even worse, a “Fan of Fall Out Boy.” That – combined with a shot between the legs – is what upset LeBron so much.

The amusing part is that Simmons now has his own podcast where he can say whatever he wants and swear as much as he wants and he chose to censor himself. He’s used the dreaded F-word plenty of times since launching Not the B.S. Report. (He even swears in the promo for his new HBO show.) Perhaps he and Butler had an agreement to keep it PG.

Either way, Draymond returns from his 1-game suspension tonight and he and LeBron will see each other on the court for Game 6 at 9pm on ABC.



from The Big Lead

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