Ronda Rousey Sad After Loss to Holly Holm, Can't Eat Apples For Awhile

Ronda Rousey lost to Holly Holm more than 3 weeks ago. Since then she’s been completely off the radar – save for an Instagram post and a brief stroll through the airport whilst hiding her face from the paparazzi. Now, thanks to ESPN’s Ramona Shelburne, we know what Rousey has been up to the last few weeks and things are not quite so glamorous these days. Via ESPN:

“I kind of just slept a lot and ate fast food,” she says, sitting up a bit on the couch to see what Mochi is doing. “First I was so sick I couldn’t eat anything. Then I just slept and pooped in the woods. I used a whole roll of toilet paper in one day.

“Physically, my body was refusing its own failures. It was, like, sick of itself. Expelling itself. Like all the skin came off my face. My whole body flushed it out.”

Rousey and boyfriend Travis Browne drove to a remote ranch in Texas and went radio silent. They lost Rousey’s phone and ignored the 24-hour news cycle that she once dominated. Now she’s back in California with her dog, Mochi. She’s hanging out with her family. And she’s still sad. Still hurting.

The stitches in her lip are still dissolving. The side of her face was kicked so hard, a few of her teeth still feel unstable. “It might be three to six months before I can eat an apple, let alone take an impact,” she says.

Man, that sounds depressing. Did she mention how sad she was?

“I’m just really fucking sad.”


Rousey also commented for the first time about what happened inside the octagon at UFC 193. Shelburne spoke with Rousey the day after Thanksgiving, nearly two full weeks after the fight so she had some time to reflect.

“I got hit in that first round. … I cut my lip open and knocked a couple of my teeth loose. I was out on my feet from the very beginning.”

“I wasn’t thinking clearly. I had that huge cut in my mouth and I just spit [the blood] out at my feet. Then they brought the bucket over and I’m like, ‘Why didn’t I spit it in the bucket?’ I never spit on the ground.”

“It was like a dumbed-down dreamy version of yourself making decisions. … I was just trying to shake myself out of it. I kept saying to myself, ‘You’re OK, keep fighting. You’re OK, keep fighting.'”

“I just feel so embarrassed. How I fought after that is such an embarrassing representation of myself. I wasn’t even fucking there.”

The story also mentioned that Rousey said her legs were never under her, even as she entered the cage that day. So it sounds like the official Rousey Company line will be “off day.” Her new goal is to get back in the cage and beat Holm – or as she refers to her as, “this chick.” So in summation – Ronda Rousey is sad and sore. Also, it sounds like Roadhouse is still on the table. So we’ve got that going for us.

from The Big Lead

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