Kevin Nash Picks Twitter Fight With Kevin Owens, Looks Silly

Kevin Nash was apparently watching Raw last night, and weighed in on Kevin Owens, a wrestler who toiled around the independent circuit for over a decade, eventually landed in WWE’s developmental league NXT, won the championship there, and has had a meteoric rise feuding with John Cena in WWE for about the past month.

Owens had a quick response:

And veteran wrestling scribe Dave Meltzer weighed in:

The irony of Nash’s comments is that today’s wrestling fans would’ve eaten him alive if he’d looked as he did and won the Royal Rumble, and subsequently the heavyweight title at WrestleMania, within two years of his WWE debut. When Vince McMahon tried to do something similar with Roman Reigns, there was a loud revolt.

Kevin Owens obviously has a far different body type than Daniel Bryan and CM Punk, but he’s following the path they blazed wherein you don’t need to look like a Greek God to get over with wrestling fans, who prefer charisma and authenticity to steroid factories.

Almost assuredly receiving heaps of backlash from Owens supporters, Nash mostly did an about-face:

This just better not end with WWE throwing a bucket of water on Owens by throwing him in a boring feud with Nash, as happened with CM Punk a couple years ago.

[H/T Keith Harris]

from The Big Lead

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