Jason Alexander Had No Idea Who George Steinbrenner Was While Filming 'Seinfeld'

Jason Alexander’s Seinfeld secret tour continued today as he dropped a bombshell to a TMZ videographer. Alexander revealed he doesn’t follow sports at all and, shockingly, had no idea who George Steinbrenner was during George Costanza’s fictional tenure as assistant to the traveling secretary with the New York Yankees.

Alexander created headlines earlier this week when he told Howard Stern that George’s fiancee, Susan Ross, was killed off the show because the actress who played her, Heidi Swedberg, was impossible to work with. After that story went viral, he issued a long clarification in which he apologized to her.

But the dustup surrounding that long-existing rumor is nothing when compared with the knowledge Alexander was oblivious to the Yankees owner’s existence.


Because it means Alexander had no idea if Steinbrenner truly was a man who fired people like it was a bodily function. It means Alexander had no idea if Steinbrenner really would engage in a bidding war with Tyler Chicken. It means Alexander had no idea if Steinbrenner cared if employees slept under their desk.

There are two ways to view this. The positive way would be to laud Alexander for his excellent acting skills and for keeping this under wraps all these years.

The other way, of course, is to feel like you’ve been lied to this whole time and that your only recourse is to wander the streets and search for clarity. To feel like you’re living in a Bizarro World where up is down and down is up — where people say hello when they leave and goodbye when they arrive.


from The Big Lead http://ift.tt/1F1MGvH

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