Big Lead Staff NBA Finals Predictions

stephen curry is the man warriors rule

We did a 2014-2015 NBA season predictions post. And we did a 2015 playoff predictions post in April. And to culminate the NBA season, here are our NBA Finals picks:

Jason McIntyre

Had the Cavs over the Warriors before the season started, and before the playoffs began … so I’ll stick with Cleveland in 7 here. But it’s truly a win-win for me: Been a Warriors fan for a few years now, have rooted for Stephen Curry dating back to his Davidson days, and I’d be happier if he won the NBA Championship than LeBron did. Plus, LeBron losing allows for much more angst from the uninformed twitter mob regarding his greatness, which leads to me defending him again and again. Everybody wins! There really are only four players who could win the MVP, and if you want to really nit-pick, two: LeBron and Stephen Curry. There’s a slim chance Klay Thompson averages 27 a game, or Draymond Green posts a three triple-doubles. I’ll go with LeBron.

Ryan Glasspiegel

Sticking with my prediction from before the playoffs started — Warriors in 6. I’ll also roll with Stephen Curry as MVP.

Ty Duffy

A wise man would have read the tea leaves and hopped on the Cavs before the LeBron signing became official and the title odds were still double-digits. A wise man will stick with that prediction. Cavs in 6. David Blatt and team hop gleefully off LeBron’s back as he collapses. Cleveland fans celebrate like they weren’t burning his jersey five years earlier.

Michael Shamburger

Cavs in 6.
LeBron is MVP.
That is all.

Rob Perez

capitals fire

Cavs in 6.

In two week’s time, we will be referring to ‘J.R. Smith’ as ‘NBA Finals MVP J.R. Smith’.

Mike Cardillo

Warriors in five. Steph Curry wins MVP.

Jason Lisk

Trying to predict the NHL playoffs or MLB playoffs, where crazy things happen in short series, this is not. I’ll stick with my prediction of Golden State over Cleveland in 6 from before the playoffs. Nothing has changed my mind that the Warriors have been the best team in the NBA over the last calendar year. I’ll go with Riley Curry as Finals MVP. Now, that’s one thing I didn’t see coming.

Stephen Douglas

I wouldn’t be shocked by either team getting hot and running away with this series. Having said that, I’ll take the guy in this series who has been there before and done it all already. LeBron is real MVP. Cavaliers in 5.


from The Big Lead

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