10 Most Anticipated Movies of the Summer

It is June. Summer is officially here. (Unofficially, at least.) With the heat comes cliché articles about the summer movie season. This is mine. My three most anticipated movies of the entire year were Furious 7, Pitch Perfect 2 and Mad Max: Fury Road. (I’ve seen all three of those twice already.) With those out of the way, it’s time to name the best looking movies of the actual summer. After seeing TBL’s most anticipated list, I thought you guys deserved a real list of movies. You know, without Entourage.

Not On The List:
Max (6/26) “A dog that helped US Marines in Afghanistan returns to the U.S. and is adopted by his handler’s family after suffering a traumatic experience.” I started to cry just reading the synopsis.
Ant-Man (7/17) – Edgar Wright tried to make a good movie, so they fired him. Boycott this movie.
Inside Out (6/19) – Probably very enjoyable, cute, and funny. I don’t have a kid, so I won’t see this before it hits HBO or Netflix.
Self/less (7/10) – Ryan Reynolds is a movie star. He’s just rarely in good movies.
Masterminds (8/7) – Looks dumb!
Fantastic Four (8/7) – Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller and Kate Mara. That’s a solid young cast! Though, it is a Marvel movie. Though, I am glad they finally rebooted that classic from the 2000’s!


(Though not technically all of them will be released during the summer which actually starts on June 21st.)

10. We Are Your Friends (8/28)
Holy shit. Did you realize this was directed by Max from Catfish? A wide-release movie is quite a step up from holding a go pro in a stranger’s face while Nev asks if they have any reason to distrust the word of a stranger on the internet. Truth be told, there is a really beautiful person in this movie who is absolutely worth paying to see in theaters – Zac Efron. I’ve been a fan since 17 Again.

9. Terminator Genisys (7/1)
Khaleesi with a gun? Jason Clarke!?

8. Jurassic World (6/11)
This movie looks like trash. And I loved the original trilogy, despite it’s mixed quality. Still, Chris Pratt is the best. And they have dinosaurs! But they also have dinosaurs running alongside a motorcycle in a pack. Maybe this list should have only been a top 5.

7. Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (7/31)
Tom Cruise. A movie series I’ve heard of.

6. Southpaw (7/24)
Kurt Sutter wrote this. If you watched Sons of Anarchy, you can only imagine what he’ll do with this Eminem music video of a boxing movie. Seriously, the main character’s name is “Billy Hope.” Jake Gyllenhaal is always great and is coming off Nightcrawler which is one of the two best movies of 2014 (Whiplash is the other, duh.).

5. Magic Mike XXL (7/3)
Basically the Pitch Perfect of stripper movies. Just like any good sequel, it’s time for a road trip! (I forget, was the original Magic Mike to blame for the resurgence of Pony? Perhaps history will not favor that if true.)

4. Straight Outta Compton (8/14)
If for no other reason than finally being able to listen to NWA loudly in a public setting. Plus a big biopic that is probably culturally relevant to today’s climate! I hope it’s good.

3. Dope (6/19)
The fashion and walkman in this trailer confuse me about when it actually takes place, but I like that.

2. American Ultra (8/21)
Jesse Eisenberg, action star? Jason Bourne as a stoner? The writer, Max Landis, made Wrestling Isn’t Wrestling. The director, Nima Nourizadeh’s only other movie was Project X. There is so much to be interested in with this movie!

1. Trainwreck (7/17) – This movie has it all, including Colin Quinn. Amy Schumer deserves all your confidence right now. Judd Apatow will ensure the movie is 15-20 minutes too long, but still enjoyable at worst. Plus, we get to see LeBron acting. I just hope getting swept in the Finals doesn’t hurt the box office.

from The Big Lead http://ift.tt/1MbGs1G

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