The 5 best photos from Mason Plumlee destroying a beer tray

Mason Plumlee obliterated a poor Wizards' employee tasked with delivering beer to the courtside seats on Saturday night, and he looked pretty angry about the whole affair. There's more to this moment than just a player running into a tray of drinks, and these bystanders need to be celebrated.

Pointing Dude

oh dude

He just wants to make sure nobody missed what happened. That's doing a public service.

Mr. Popcorn


He'd pay attention, but OMG THIS POPCORN IS SO GOOD ... NOM NOM NOM

Seriously concerned guy

concerned dude

"Why are you all gawking? This is so terrible."

The Bro


The Bro doesn't care what happened, he just wants to make sure he's on TV so his whole frat can see the replay.

"I see dead beer"

dead people

Poor kid lost his innocence this very night. Nothing will ever be the same again.

This mid-spill photo is awesome.

There was an aftermath too. So much spilled beer, a ball that will never be the same.

The struggle is real.

This guy can be soaking wet from beer and keep on smiling. He's what we should all aspire to be.

Photos via Rob Carr -- Getty Images

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